Pay it Forward

I bet you already have someone in mind to give your card to.
If not, no worries, keep it ready and you will know when to pass it along.

What are some creative ways you might give your card away?


  1. Alisia on December 23, 2014 at 1:30 pm

    Here are some things we have tried while giving cards to people we don’t know:

    -Place the cards in envelopes and tape them in random, public places for people to find. (The envelopes clearly said something like FREE $ INSIDE).

    -Give them to the car behind you at a fast food drive through

    -Any service worker that you are in conversation with (waitress, cashier, barista)

    -Christmas gift basket

    -Left at a door step and on the hood of a car

    -Place on the desk of a co-worker (maybe you know them…maybe not)

    What are some other ideas???

  2. Lisa Higginson on March 22, 2016 at 11:03 pm

    I haven’t decided how I am going to give it away. I may give it to someone at work. Or pay it forward when I am in line somewhere. 🙂

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