How Mission Trips Change Hearts
Making the Decision
Before I went on a mission trip, I was searching for more of Jesus. I wanted more of His presence, more of His love, and I desired to share the abundance of love in my heart that He poured into me. I don’t know of any other way to put it except that Jesus is the perfect giver of love. He actively loves each of us so well, that sometimes I feel like He loves me the most. Now of course, He doesn’t love me the most, but He does such an amazing job loving me and pouring into my life, that it feels like I am His top priority. How awesome is it that we serve an everywhere God who is able to make each of us feel like we are number one in His book. Because of this lavish, unconditional love, I had more than my share and it began to spill over. The Holy Spirit was stirring my heart and I wanted to give back what God had given to me, so I decided to go on a mission trip to Bosnia.
Road Blocks
Once you make the decision to go, I guarantee you the devil will put up every road block possible to stop you from going and sharing the gospel. He will use time, other people discouraging you, perhaps you are going alone, but I would be willing to bet he hits hard with the financial aspect of the trip first. I was at a financial all-time low when I made the commitment to go. During that season of my life, I was living pay check to pay check, trying to get out of debt, and also give God the first of my fruits, however, this left very little in the budget for even a mission trip. You might ask how I managed to take a mission trip that cost over 3k with an empty bank account. Let me tell you, seriously, nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). If he can have Peter catch a fish, open its mouth, and find money to pay their taxes, why wouldn’t He be able to help me? (Matthew 17:27) So, I prayed and gave pretty much all I had ($600) and then leaned on God to show up with the rest of the money. I wrote letters and sent them to everyone I knew and even people I didn’t know. The money came from everywhere, and I had actually collected more than I needed. I didn’t find money in a fish’s mouth like Peter, but think for a second…Peter had to have the faith to catch the fish and expect the money to be there. God calls us to put our faith into action. I had to have faith to put myself out there with what little money I had and to send out the letters. After faith and obedience, God handled the finances, road block gone, and on the mission trip I went.
What I Brought Back
Before writing this, I asked several people why others should go on a mission trip. I got answers like friendships are made, appreciation of home, advancing the kingdom of God, and empathy towards other countries. What got me thinking was one simple little phrase: “you won’t know until you get back.” Before the trip, I had many preconceived ideas about what I would experience, none of which included how my heart would change. I find it a little difficult to put into words the reason you should go on a mission trip. I will give it my best go and let’s see if it makes scene. For me, the main reason is because of a “change” that takes place inside of you. You come back home and there is something very different about you. God’s desire is to transform us to think more like Him and to see others like He sees them. Mission trips are an awesome catalyst for this “change” to happen. Your perspective of others changes, your perspective of yourself, America, and the desire to serve others…it just changes. Eyes are opened to see what the needs of those around us are and we become motivated to continue outreach even when we return home.
I was prepared to be the giver and help those in Bosnia and my focus was on that giving, but I learned so much about Him and about myself!” I had no idea what I would be getting back in return. When we step out in faith and obedience to go on a trip God responds! So put on your faith, sign up for a trip, and see where God takes you!
This is a MUST check out resource before heading on your trip. CJ and his wife Teri have a heart for missions and spend their free time running this site. It has everything from picking your destination, what to pack, safety tips, fundraising, how to write the support letter, and you can even do some shopping to help you gear up. Also the first week of every month they release a new podcast, it is a helpful resource to check out what’s going on in the mission world 🙂
Tim and I have been really enjoying watching the documentary series, Travel the Road. It’s about two guys, a camera, and traveling the road to share the gospel. Their mission is to preach to remote parts of the world while filming their expeditions in order to motivate others. I think it’s fascinating to see them walk up to tent villages and aren’t always welcome, that kind of courage comes from the Holy Spirit. They are unashamed to share what the Gospel is all about. What they are doing is very inspiring, if you have Netflix it is worth an hour to check it out!
This is the organization I used when I went to Bosnia. GlobalX is North Point ministries international division and I can’t say enough good things about them. They are organized, trained, and make the entire process a pleasure to be a part of. They have a ton of short-term (globalX trips) all over the globe. Click the link and check out all of the serving opportunities, you will not regret it.
If you have gone on a mission trip, I would love to hear your comment: Why would you encourage someone else to go on a trip?
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